
Dr. Amit Goyal

Dr. Amit Goyal joined UB in January 2015 as the founding director of the RENEW Institute, the university's new interdisciplinary institute dedicated to research and education on globally pressing problems in energy, environment and water. One of the most expansive initiatives launched in recent years, RENEW will harness the expertise of faculty members across six schools and colleges and add nearly 20 new faculty members. He is presently the Director of the UB Initiative on Plastics Recycling and Innovation, a New York Center of Excellence in Plastics Recycling. The center will address a range of contemporary issues related to plastics recycling ranging from advancing the science and technology for recycling to development of markets for recycled plastics to developing effective communication and outreach initiatives. A multidisciplinary team encompassing operations management, economics, communication, engineering, polymers and materials sciences will conduct the project. Goyal has developed clean energy technologies for more than two decades. He is known for his research in the area of large-area, low-cost, high performance, “flexible electronic” devices, including superconducting devices, photovoltaics, ferroelectrics, multiferroics, etc., as well as in 3D self-assembly of nanodots and nanorods for device applications. Prior to joining UB, he was a corporate fellow, distinguished inventor and distinguished scientist at UT-Battelle/Oak Ridge National Laboratory. He has more than 25 years’ experience managing diverse technical projects for multiple organizations. As founder, president and CEO of two companies -- TapeSolar Inc. and TexMat LLC -- he also has financial management experience interacting with venture capital firms and angel investors.